Just a quick program note, boys and girls: Yours truly is going to attempt National Novel Writing Month (commonly known as NaNoWriMo to the inside crowd) this year.
However, I have no intention of getting a novel done with this exercise. Instead, the focus is to learn the long-term habit of working on a novel daily. Some things, of course, will have to be compromised. Beginning Tuesday, November 1st, I will be in a more limited or non-extistant capacity in one or more of the following while I devote myself to my "baby":
- Foursquare
- Meetup
- Blogger
- Rotten Tomatoes
- GoodReads
- Texting
I'm kidding on the last two...of COURSE I'll check those just as faithfully. (#Maybe #JustKidding)
Think of it as my maternity leave while I hatch this evil plan to win readers. Have a great Thanksgiving, all, and I'll catch you again in December.
Onward, dear reader.
Will miss you ...but, I do of course approve ...though, if you're outside at any time and you take a photo, I notice that 'Instagram' isn't on the list?