Defined as "a lonely, foresaken place."
I wasn't so lonely.
To go on a digital hiatus is a wonderful thing--it tells you how much internet you can live without, and what internet you can enjoy. It also puts you with nothing much to do but take a good, hard, long look in the mirror.
Mind you, it's not that I hate the internet. But I learned that I had assigned myself to entirely too much internet, too many iPods, and too much of culturally keeping up with the Joneses. I could give you the long list of what happened and what I discovered while I was out, but here is the short answer to the long story--I just want to be in the world and write. That may be a tad too simple, and I know that people are going to wonder where I am from time to time, but while the world has families, I have a child, who needs fed with my voice, paper, and ink, and that may not be enough for anyone else.
It was enough for me. It was good to be alone for a while. It's good to be alone now.
In closing this post--oh, there will be more posts, if you like reading them--I wanted to thank the people who reached out to me never expecting any responses but who were still supportive of what I was trying to do. You know who you are and you didn't forget me. I didn't forget you, either.
And a special thanks goes out to Chris Rosenbaum, who sent me funny stuff whether or not I responded, via text. Texting me was a crap shoot during this time, which quite a few people will tell you, but Chris didn't run from the silence. He sent me stuff to laugh at when I came back in from a night of counting.
And onward.
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